The Dance Of Life

Life is not all it is thought to be

Life Dance

Light is the power of the universe, it gives life to all things in nature, without light the darkness that would pervade our lives would suffocate all life. 

Time Dance

Listen for a moment to what your soul intuition wants to tell you, relax, becoming open to the messages, which if followed will change your life completely.

Soul Dance

Always strive to set your spirit free so that your heart & soul will be filled with peace and happiness.

The Dance

Let the sun shine in your life.

Always keep the light in your life and whenever possible - walk in the light. Darkness will bring depression and negative emotions; whereas light is the best medicine for these anomalies. The light will lift your spirit high, bring a positive attitude, elation, peace, and happiness.

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The Dance Article by Author Steven Redhead
Power Of Imagination Article by Author Steven Redhead
Power Of Imagination

Find Your Special Place

Whenever the cares and woes of the day become too much then simply find some seclusion were you won't be disturbed, then simply close your eyes and imagine your there at your special place. At first, the details may be sketchy but with focus, concentration and imagining that special place will over time become very near to reality in all aspects.

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Unfinished Business

The Need To Let Things Go

While your life in some cases seems to last forever at times; actually, on reflection, your life passes by in the blinking of an eye ~ then all you knew and held dear will be gone, replaced by a whole new different reality.

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Let Things Go Article by Author Steven Redhead
Set your spirit free - to fly majestically upon the winds of time.

Power Of The Universe


Destiny is not fate, it is a course that we must find, then create - this is your true life path which ideally should be followed in order to achieve those things that are of utmost importance to your higher consciousness. Seek your life purpose, then with clear focus aim all your energies at bringing this destiny into your reality. The future won't wait for you if you don't create your own destiny fate will.



The Spirit-Trials site is dedicated to sharing thoughts that are born of the spirit's will and desire to communicate and remind everyone of the purpose of this journey of life through mortality and time. It is up to each of us to listen to these inner voices and share them with all mankind.


Reflecting on what has happened to you in your life is the best way to understand your life's path and what has happened and is happening to you. Learn from the past and present in order to prepare yourself for the future; this will assist you in how to deal with things that will occur in the present and future in a more beneficial and efficient way.

The purpose of your life is to enjoy The Dance with Time;
to learn and grow in health, peace and happiness.

Exchanging Thoughts

Never abandon your search for peace in your life, find it where ever you can in moments, in hours, in days, months and years you have available.
The wonders of the universe, while way beyond current general comprehension, offer insights into the glory of creation. The immenseness, the power, the beauty in the vastness are all wonders to behold.
Listen for a moment to what your heart and soul intuition wants to tell you, relax, becoming open to the messages, which if followed will change your life completely.

Fine Your Special Place.

There are times when you need to seek the solace own special place of peace and quiet. Imagine what your special place is like, create it within your imagination to your own desires and liking; make it exactly what your heart desires. A forest green in spring or full of autumn colors, a gentle stream running through a wooded area, a path that leads you to a special place. The details, beauty, and complexity of this special place are limited only by your own imagination and desires.

This place can be as simple or as complicated as you desire, you can imagine every infinite detail if you so wish. Over time you can add to the image with feelings such as a light cool breeze, sounds like a babbling brook, and aromas such as flowers or a forest.

Whenever you wish to find peace and tranquility, to relax and let the cares of the day drift away, simply imagine your there in your special place and be at peace. Deeply relax, let your mind run free, let the cares of the day escape and enjoy the moment as it was meant to be.

Escape The Hustle And Bustle

It is important that you find your own secret place where you can enjoy a state of peace and quiet. In the modern world, it is getting increasingly difficult to find a place of true peace and contentment, where it is possible to completely relax and really be at peace within oneself.

By mentally shutting out as much external stimulus as possible, and focusing on your own special dream place, there is potential to attempt to escape to your own tranquil space of peace and quiet, where your spirit can be as free as the wind.

Your spirit longs for the freedom, peace, and serenity that is so very often completely lost in the hustle and bustle of modern life. To appease the spirit it is necessary to search for and find that special state where it is possible to be truly tranquil.

You were destined to be at peace with all things and without this state your spirit is in a constant state of unease, forever searching for contentment and tranquility. It is important to lose yourself in your own secret place - be somewhere physical as in nature, a place where with the creative power of the mind you can be whatever and wherever you want it to be.

Points To Be Remembered

Seeds Of Knowledge

Find Peace And Happiness

There are times when you need to seek the solace of nature but due to the demands of the day, you are unable to do so. Yet remember, with the power of the mind and imagination and mental creation you are able to visualize your own special place of peace and quite within nature.

Avoid A Mediocre Life

Are we all destined only to become the dust that blows restlessly upon the earth as eternal punishment because only a mediocre life was achieved, or will you become immortal through the things you leave behind for future generations as a memorial to your passage through this life?

The Hustle & Bustle

Clear out all unwanted and unnecessary mental baggage that can become oppressive, overbearing and repressive. Start off anew with a clear and uncluttered mind, free of the negativity that is around you, bombarding you from either people, media, radio, newspapers or TV.

Life Throughout The Universe

In relation to the wonders and greatness of the universe, humans may seem insignificant and unimportant, but this is not the case - all things great and small each have the same purposefulness. The universe is not only your home but also your playground where it is possible to enjoy a myriad of experiences.

Heart & Soul Life Span

A contented heart leads to a long life; a life of peace, happiness, and fulfillment; a lifetime of purpose, a lifetime of no regrets. Likewise, a soul at peace with itself - because of a life well lived - will not resent or fear death but will go forward and fear no evil; knowing full well that all its hopes and desires are fulfilled.

Wonders Of The Universe

The wonders and vastness of the universe and the unceasing cycles of eternity are difficult to comprehend, requiring a great leap of faith in order to accept as well as understand the concept of everlasting, unending and forever. The immenseness, the power, the beauty in the vastness are all wonders to behold. 

The earth is a place where the spirits come to play and grown.

Your Soul Is The Essence Of Who You Are.

Journey Of The Soul

While your life in some cases seems to last forever at times; actually, on reflection, your life passes by in the blinking of an eye ~ then all you knew and held dear will be gone, replaced by a whole new different reality.
You pass from one phase to the next without any barrier to your transition, except for any mental baggage, fixed beliefs, or unfinished business, which are the only thing to impede your progress. You need to let go of these things in order to progress, grow and move on..
Your soul is immortal and is one and the same with the spirit. The soul is not some inanimate thing of fiction, it is a reality which needs to be acknowledged and nurtured in order for it to grow and excel.

Who You Really Are

Most people pass their lives entirely without giving a second thought to their soul and its well being; those that do dwell on this subject do so fleetingly without any conclusion or final understanding. Yet to focus on the soul's advancement and well being is a wise and beneficial pursuit.

Your soul is the very source of who you are and who you are becoming; your identity, the root of your entire life's origin lies here within your soul. It is the soul that contains the why who and wherefore of your entire existence, not only on earth but throughout eternity.

Listen for a moment to what your heart and soul intuition wants to tell you, relax, becoming open to the messages, which if followed will change your life completely.

The Need To Let Things Go.

All souls are connected in an intricate formation making each and every one of us interconnected; what each of us does affects not only others but also ourselves.

With a free, unburdened soul you will soar and be like a shooting star, unstoppable in anything you want or decide to do in your life. Your life will become more of a joy, more fulfilling, more beneficial, and more in tune with your true desires and intentions.

Look after and protect the condition of your soul, taking care what you expose yourself to, irrespective of whether this is a person or thing or an audio or visual input. Keep the body well and fit in order to act as the most suitable medium to hold your soul.

Welcome To The Dance

Negative forces such as fear will suppress the soul, so you must be aware of manipulative elements that are constantly active within your environment. Always being mindful of these factors of control and negativity that are continually aimed at you by nefarious forces; then ensuring to put the necessary negating effort to detach yourself from the undesirable intent of others whenever necessary.

In the modern world of hustle and bustle, it is not unusual for the soul not to be even given a second thought. Yet it is the soul that is the essence of what and who you are, and what you will become; therefore it makes sense to listen carefully to the messages of the soul.

It is within your very soul where the spirit resides. It is your duty to guard and protect your soul from any harm or transgressions, thereby keeping it pure from the mundane, as well as negative matters.

The Need to let things go.

To find peace in your heart is the key to happiness, which in turn is the key to health and fulfillment. In your daily life, you will be bombarded with an array of negative thoughts and emotions from people and things around you.

Seeds of self-doubt will grow from the stimuli you absorb from friends and foe alike. Cast these aside, without absorbing them, staying true to your own thoughts and desires; listen to your inner intuitive voice that is your only true friend, that will help and guide you through life's trials and tribulations.

Yet, be strong, look to nature for solutions and consolement, understanding that what happened to you in life is a means by which you will grow stronger, and in doing so you are able to cast off all doubt, gaining full confidence in whatever you may desire to do.

The cycles of life can be seen within the seasons, as while in autumn many things seem to die, they are reborn in the spring. The trials of nature are always overcome; battered by the cycle of the seasons nature can be seen in all its majesty to have overcome and survived.

Let The Sun Shine In.

Light is the power of the universe, it gives life to all things in nature, without light the darkness that would pervade and suffocate all life. Let your spirit ride on the waves of light; the sun rises and the sun set, the rays of sun through trees; all the various forms of light of nature will bring you joy.

The energy of light will revitalize you when you are feeling depleted or down and out. If you are feeling depressed then a light will help you become more positive, and with enough time light will raise your spirit, making you well and whole.

When natural light is in short supply you can substitute with clear bright artificial light. Light therapy will get rid of your blues and turn those negative thought patterns into positive ones. To enjoy natural light in nature, of course, is the key to bringing peace of mind, happiness and a feeling of wellbeing into your life.

Whenever you feel down or out of sorts then look for an opportunity to enjoy the bright natural light. Let the sunshine in your life, let there be light always shining in your heart, spirit, and mind.

Let the sun shine in your life, let there be light always shining in your heart, spirit, and mind.

A Legacy Flowing On The Winds Of Time.

Throughout the history of the world past civilizations have attempted to leave behind eternal monuments that would show those who followed that they once lived, and in doing so achieve for them a form of immortality. Stonehenge, Giza Pyramids, Macho Picchu, are all example of such monuments. They are each statement to the memory of every individual from that civilization.

So the banner has been passed to this generation, will our memory be lost in the sands of time or will our dance of life be remembered, so that the fact that we did indeed pass this way will be remembered, and that our legacy is that we will leave for future generations the seeds of knowledge that will help them on their life's journey.